JPNLessonsOsaka Blog

Japanese vocabulary at bank


loyalty Information

Since I have started online lessons, some of my students pay the lesson fee by bank transfer. They are common words you might need at bank.

If you need help,


→I would like to transfer the money, could you please tell me ( how to do it )?

Japanese vocabulary

Osaka medical emergency


loyalty Learn Japanese

In Osaka the number of new Covid-19 cases has been increasing rapidly. Osaka prefecture declared local medical emergency.

I will continue to have online lessons.



感染者(かんせんしゃ)infected people

変異(へんい)ウィルス variant virus


非常事態宣言(ひじょうじたいせんげん)the state of emergency

Happy new year in Japanese


loyalty Learn Japanese

日本語で 「Happy new year」は2つあります。

12月30日まで(before new year’s eve)


formal 「よいおとしをおむかえください」

1月1日から (from January 1st)


formal 「あけましておめでとうございます。」

super casual 「あけおめ」(only between friends)



Textbooks for advanced students


loyalty JLPT

There are many textbooks for JLPT N2 and N1.

New Kanzen Master is one of the popular series. 


I have been using this series quite often, especially with my students who like studying Japanese in depth.

Since the explanations are all in Japanese, they require a lot of patience and time.


I wouldn’t recommend them for people who found N3 or N2 a struggle, but if you enjoy learning grammatical structures, they are very useful.


It is very important to understand Japanese grammar points as expressed in Japanese.

With only the English explanations, it is difficult to understand the different nuances between similar grammar points.


If you don’t have enough time to prepare for the JLPT, or you have a different learning style, I can recommend different textbooks.

Watch this space.

Reading practice


loyalty Learn Japanese

Many students ask me if there are any books they can read when they complete the beginner level.

Some students try to read Japanese books for children because they have more hiragana and furigana, but sometimes the vocabulary and expressions in these books are much too difficult, or their stories are not interesting enough for adult students.

I use 「小説ミラーさん」for reading practice.

I recommend this novel because it is about Miller’s daily life in Japan, using basic vocabulary and grammar points for those who have finished elementary study. This book is based on the series of「みんなの日本語 Minna no Nihongo」textbooks , but even though you have never used this series it is still good to read when you finished elementary level.

I cannot deny that there are some stereotypical terms related to “being in Japan as a foreigner” in this book, but it is still good for reading practice and creates a certain sense of accomplishment at having read a whole novel in Japanese.



loyalty grammar

The Japanese language is not so strict about pluralization as English is.

Normally the word ねこ which means cat , can be a cat, some cats or cats in general. There are some specific words and suffixes to pluralize nouns, but when you are a beginner please don’t worry too much about whether they are singular or plural.

ねこが好きです。  I like cats ( in general )

あそこにねこがいます。can be “there is a cat over there” or “there are some cats over there”.

友だちと学校へ行きます。 can be ” I go to school with my friend ” or ” I go to school with my friends.”