JPNLessonOsaka Blog


Sentence ending particle “ne”


loyalty grammar

” Ne ” indicates agreement, confirmation or sympathy.

暑いあつです。→ そうです 。 It is hot, isn’t it? → Yes, it is.( I think so, too )

レッスンは4月からです 。The lesson will start from April, am I right?

It can also soften a request.

また連絡れんらくしてください。また連絡して。 Please contact me again. (please keep in touch )

Sometimes the speaker will use ” ne ” in a monologue: in this case it indicates the speaker’s subjective reflection, trying to reach back into memories or thought.

日本にほんものなにがいちばんきですか。Among Japanese food, what do you like the best?

そうです…(Let me see…) おこのきが大好だいすきです。 I love Okonomiyaki.