JPNLessonsOsaka Blog

What does “unzari” mean?


loyalty Information



The government decided to extend the state of emergency in Osaka again.

The word “unzari” means fed up with or sick and tired of something.

I have been hearing this word often during the pandemic.

Normaly うんざり sounds very strong, but it has been more than a year , so may be we can’t help using “unzari” these days.




Difference between particle “to” and “ya”


loyalty grammar




Both と (to) and や ( ya ) connect nouns the way ” and ” in English does. Using と is for a list of all items, while や is for a sample of representative items. ” There are noun1 ‘ ya ‘ noun2 ” means “there are noun1, noun2, and other things.”


Sometimes you can add など ( nado ) after the last noun. など ( nado ) means etc., so you can emphasize that there are more items.

Textbooks for advanced students


loyalty JLPT

There are many textbooks for JLPT N2 and N1.

New Kanzen Master is one of the popular series. 


I have been using this series quite often, especially with my students who like studying Japanese in depth.

Since the explanations are all in Japanese, they require a lot of patience and time.


I wouldn’t recommend them for people who found N3 or N2 a struggle, but if you enjoy learning grammatical structures, they are very useful.


It is very important to understand Japanese grammar points as expressed in Japanese.

With only the English explanations, it is difficult to understand the different nuances between similar grammar points.


If you don’t have enough time to prepare for the JLPT, or you have a different learning style, I can recommend different textbooks.

Watch this space.



loyalty grammar

The Japanese language is not so strict about pluralization as English is.

Normally the word ねこ which means cat , can be a cat, some cats or cats in general. There are some specific words and suffixes to pluralize nouns, but when you are a beginner please don’t worry too much about whether they are singular or plural.

ねこが好きです。  I like cats ( in general )

あそこにねこがいます。can be “there is a cat over there” or “there are some cats over there”.

友だちと学校へ行きます。 can be ” I go to school with my friend ” or ” I go to school with my friends.”



loyalty JLPT

There has been alot of rain this year.




梅雨(つゆ)rainy season 雨期(うき)rainy season

つゆ is the word for rainy season in Japan. We have another word  for the rainy season. It is うき which means “rainy period” . Japanese うき is つゆ so we use つゆ when we talk about Japanese rainy season. 

大雨(おおあめ) →heavy rain

小雨(こさめ)→light rain

霧雨(きりさめ) →drizzle

どしゃ降り(どしゃぶり) →downpour ,heavy rain

洪水(こうずい) →flood 

土砂崩れ(どしゃくずれ) →landslide

注意報(ちゅういほう)→advisory/watch 洪水注意報(こうずいちゅういほう)→flood advisory

警報(けいほう) →warning/alert 洪水警報(こうずいけいほう)→ flood warning

ふります is the verb means “fall “for rain.

やみます is the verb means “stop” for rain.


Sentence ending particle “yo”


loyalty grammar

“Yo” indicates mild emphasis when the speaker is very sure of what she or he is saying.


This cookie is delicious. ( so I recommend this cookie. )

It is often used to convey informarion which the listener doesn’t know.

パーティは何時なんじからですか。→ 3時からですよ。

What time does the party start? → It starts at 3:00. 

You can use “yo” to get someone’s attention.

ばんごはんですよ!  Dinner’s ready!!

“Yo” can also be used when the speaker is making a judgment, so be careful not to put too much stress on it, and do not overuse it; otherwise you might sound aggressive.